Consulser employs certified instruments and laboratories to evaluate destructive technical tests in accordance with official procedures. Read moreCHEMICAL TESTING
Evermore frequently, chemical tests are required in order to obtain an accurate picture for assessing damaged laminates or metal corrosion. Consulser employs laboratories, including university facilities, to evaluate the chemical properties of materials, the quality and cross-linking of a resin and titration of metals. Read moreFAILURE ANALYSIS
This analysis enables us to verify the causes of breakage in metal components. It represents the synthesis of all specializations in analyses and methodologies which, combined with Microscopy and Metallography, are used to ascertain the real causes of breakage in a solid. Read moreCORROSION
There are never more 'myths' and 'wild opinions' in evaluating an phenomenon or a breakdown as when you encounter corrosion. Terms such as "galvanic" or "roaming" current are used improperly even by more-or-less expert inspectors and surveyors and by those who speculate upon other people's ignorance. Read moreYACHT SURVEYING
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